DeKalb County Schools Technology Department
110 South Public Square
Smithville, Tennessee 37166
Meet Our Team
Greg Frasier - District Technology Coordinator
Danny Pirtle - Assistant Technology
Jordan Funk - Assistant Technology
James Culbertson - Assistant Technology
Contact Us by using the - Technology Department Tech Request System - located under quicklinks on our Home Page if you require technical assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change the layout of my room?
It depends...
The IT Department was worked diligently to standardize each classroom with the same or similar equipment. Because of wiring constraints, wired computers must stay within 10 ft of the ethernet jacks. All jacks were installed close enough to power sources to stay in compliance as well. We ask that no equipment be moved or removed from the room without our knowledge. Many times, not all pieces are located before moving causing unnecessary replacement costs (i.e. remotes, power bricks)
We have been asked before about removing computers in rooms to save space. Generally, we leave computers in place in the event teachers move around throughout the years.
Sometimes equipment has to follow positions because of funding. We strive hard to keep these inventories straight. If a teacher moves into a different position, they may have to surrender assigned equipment to the incoming teacher.
Can I use my own personal printer?
Personal purchases of printers (not district money) is allowed. We will support them in a minimal fashion (connection, install drivers, etc), but will not spend considerable effort to troubleshoot something not supported. No wireless printers will be allowed because of the interference it plays on the wireless system.
What equipment am I issued as a teacher?
Teachers and some limited staff are issued a district owned laptop.Customization such as stickers or permanent markings is prohibited. Employees are required to keep up with any/ all accessories (Chargers, etc)
Can I use my own personal device at work?
The use of personal devices on the school network is highly discouraged. For security reasons, we utilize certificates on district owned devices that secure the connection between our servers and the issued device. This certificate must manually be installed by the technology department to work correctly on our network. For security reasons all personal equipment allowed only on guest Wifi.
Personal Desktops are Prohibited
IOT (Internet of things, Echo Dot’s, Fitbits) devices are prohibited from accessing the network. There are security risks that could impact in a negative manner.
How are my devices protected against viruses/ malware or unauthorized access?
District owned devices utilize Enterprise Virus and Malware protection. The rules are generally updated once per week. The best way to keep your device protected is to be conscientious of strange emails, websites, links etc.
Using strong passwords with different character types will also make it more difficult for hackers to access your system. Keep your passwords private. Taping them to the monitor screen or leaving them out in the open is not secure, and could give unauthorized access to sensitive information. Don’t share your passwords. Most systems have security rights for different users. If a user doesn’t have access, have them contact the system administrator for access.
Why can I not access some web sources on our network?
Each school has many different wired networks and multiple wireless networks to keep our traffic as clean as possible. There are several reasons (both physical or virtual) you wouldn’t be able to access some sites. We are bound by the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) to keep our students safe. This includes blocking some sites for teachers because of the risk of student exposure. Remember the network is to be used for educational use only. Request to unblock sites can be sent as a work order and we will evaluate the site.
What application platform is DeKalb Schools Using?
We are a Google Apps for Education district. We have deployed to complete suite of Google tools to Students and Faculty. Make a standard practice to use Google Drive as your storage medium.
We do not install the app on computers because of the network shared drive viruses.
Point your browser to drive.google.com, or using the 9 squares and select drive.
Should I turn my projector or active display off?
Generally speaking, if you are not going to use your projector for 30 min, turn off. This will save on the bulbs and prevent premature wear.
Where do I print my documents?
Each school has multiple copy machines placed in strategic locations. Employee's may or may not have a Dept ID Assigned by the school that allows you to print black and white in each location. If logging into your computers with your assigned login you will be automatically mapped to shared copiers/printers for your specific group.
Can I connect my cell phone to the network?
You are welcome to connect your phones to our guest wifi just be aware all sites will not be available to you while connected to the school wifi. You may have to type specific urls in order to visit them rather than google searching the sites. Some sites will be block by our safety filters.
How do I submit an IT work order?
Instructions for putting in a Technology repair request.
1. Go to www.dekalbschools.net
2. Choose Quicklinks then Tech Request.
3. Login with your school email address for username.
4. Password
5. Choose Tickets
6. Choose add new
7. Fill out the sections that have an * beside them and save.
8. Note keep description short or it will error out and not submit.
Approved Digital Resources
The growing market for educational technology has increased the amount of student data that is shared and tracked online. While some digital resources are valuable tools to support teaching and learning, others may place student information at risk for identity theft, sale of personal information, or exploitation of online behavior for marketing and profit. For more information about this topic, please see our Student Data Privacy page.
In response to this emerging national concern, Education Law §2-d has been enacted to protect the privacy of student information that may be collected by providers of digital tools and resources. All educational applications and online resources that may collect student names or other personally identifiable information (PII) must comply with certain standards for data privacy and security. These standards include a signed commitment by the provider to maintain strict confidentiality and security standards to prevent the sale, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of student personal information.
The following resources are authorized for use in the DeKalb County Schools, as supported by a signed data privacy agreement that includes the provider's assurance to protect the confidentiality and security of any student information that they may collect. Educators must not share student names or other information with any provider that does not appear on the list below.
This list does not include digital resources that do not collect student information and for which no data privacy agreement is required. Parents should contact their child’s teacher for more information about the digital resources that may be used in the classroom. Educators seeking to use a resource that does not appear on this list should contact the Technology Department to have the resource vetted before using in the classroom.
List is in Progress and will be added soon.